Fine Wine Tents for Wine Festivals
“A fine glass of wine under a fine tent” – something of which not only winegrowers are convinced, but guests, as well...
At harvest time of what may well be the world’s best-known fruit, the grape, is when wine festivals also begin. And to give those celebrations a special tone, Mastertent wine tents are the perfect companion.
You can add some very special flair to any event with the wine tent from Mastertent. And precisely for that reason, Mastertent folding tents are becoming more and more popular with winegrowers.

A Special Wine Tent
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a huge town event or a small, traditional wine festival: Mastertent folding tents are being used more and more frequently. It is especially the elegant furnishing options, such as the scalloped valance or the stylish corner curtains, that will turn your wine tent into something very particular.
This is what will set your wine tent apart:
- Quick and easy setup without tools
- 100% waterproof
- Fire-retardant
- Available in different sizes
- Elegant corner curtains for that special flair
- 100% customizable
- Practical accessories such as side panels, fastening kits, bars, lighting systems, and much more.

The Wine Tent With so Many Possibilities
The wine tent can be used in many ways. On one hand, it can of course be used for wine festivals as explained in this article, but on the other hand, it can be used as well for various winegrower events.
Wine-grower events:
- Wine festivals
- Wine sampling
- Wine tastings
- Wine presentations
- Wine expositions
In order for you to be able to present your winery, your estate, or your winemaking in the best possible way, you can also have your wine tent printed with your own logo or even have the entire surface customized.